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How to add a custom CA for Operator and Vault


When Spinnaker attempts to fetch a Vault token, you encounter the following error:

error fetching vault token - error logging into vault using kubernetes auth: Put https://spinnaker-vault.vault.svc.cluster.local:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority This happens because you are using a custom CA and the Operator.


Access to the relevant certificates in PEM format.  


Resolving this issue involves the following steps:

  • Copy the original cert.pem file from /etc/ssl/cert.pem
  • Append the custom ca for Vault
  • Mount the cert.pem similar to the /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts

Copy the System trust/key store

Create a temporary copy of the system’s trust/key store and import your internal certificate. If you’re on a Mac, the Java truststore will be located at $(/usr/libexec/java_home/)/jre/lib/security/cacerts. It will be different on Linux.

$ mkdir /tmp/custom-trust-store
$ cp {path-to-cacerts} /tmp/custom-trust-store
$ keytool import -alias custom-ca -keystore /tmp/custom-trust-store/cacerts -file {your-internal-certificate}


Make a copy of /etc/ssl/cert.pem and append the internal certificate to your copy of cert.pemNote: If you do not have a copy of the internal certificate - you can run the following command to retrieve it manually: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect host:port |openssl x509 -outform PEM >mycertfile.pem Use kubectl to create a Secret from your copy of cacerts or cert.pem. $ kubectl create secret generic -n {your-spinnaker-namespace} internal-trust-store --from-file /tmp/custom-trust-store/cacerts


Copy cert.pem from the Operator to a local directory:

kubectl cp -n spinnaker-operator -c spinnaker-operator spinnaker-operator-xxxxx:etc/ssl/cert.pem .

Append your custom cert to cert.pem:

cat myCA.crt >> cert.pem

Append any other additional certs:

cat myVault.crt >> cert.pem

Create a Kubernetes secret for cert.pem:

kubectl create secret generic spinop-certs -n spinnaker-operator --from-file cert.pem

This secret then gets mounted into Spinnaker Operator.

Mounting Secrets to the Operator deployment

Add volume and volume mounts to Spinnaker Operator:

serviceAccountName: spinnaker-operator
- name: spinnaker-operator
image: armory/armory-operator:0.4.0
- mountPath: /etc/ssl
name: internal-cert-pem
- name: halyard
image: armory/halyard-armory:operator-0.4.x
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/java
name: internal-trust-store
- name: internal-trust-store
defaultMode: 420
secretName: internal-trust-store
- name: internal-cert-pem
defaultMode: 420
secretName: internal-cert-pem